Why is it easier for me to believe that something bad might happen any time soon rather than thinking something good might be coming my way?


Why is it easier for me to believe that something bad might happen any time soon rather than thinking something good might be coming my way?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Possibly because of confirmation bias. If you think only bad things can happen to you, then you only notice the bad things happening, which reinforces your ideas about only bad things happening to you, which sharpens your skill to see bad things happening. Rinse, repeat.

If you train yourself to see the silver lining or good things that happen, you can make it easier to think positive thoughts

Anonymous 0 Comments


You have a better chance of survival if you’re prepared for a bad thing to happen.

A good thing happening is just a bonus but a bad thing could mean death so we have evolved to better process dangerous situations. This is why we have a fight or flight response too.