Why is it considered bad to sleep with makeup on but fine to have it on the rest of the day?


Why is it considered bad to sleep with makeup on but fine to have it on the rest of the day?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You walked around all day long collecting dust and dirt and grime on top of that makeup. If you absolutely have to wash your face only once per day it should be at night.

I used to be an esthetician and it horrifies me to think that people don’t wash their face at night!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its equally “bad” as far as risk of breaking out having it on during the day and night but during the day you are actually getting use of out of the make up. You arent at night. At least that’s how I had it explained to me from my mom when I asked as a kid. I dont use make up so I dont have first hand knowledge on it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a couple different reasons. You might make a mess on your pillow. There’s no reason to have makeup on at night. Your face needs a break from being coated by makeup so don’t want to leave it on all day and night.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The first thing that comes to mind is that makeup will get onto pillows.

Second, maybe if you sweat in your sleep, the makeup might mix with the water and block the pores on the skin.