why does eating too much salt taste gross?


why does eating too much salt taste gross?

In: Chemistry

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Evolution. Taste and flavor are subjective experiences created by the brain, not necessarily physical properties of the thing you’re eating (it doesn’t taste like anything to a tree).

We evolved to be disgusted and have gag reflexes to toxic things. Too much salt is bad for you. It tasting awful is just the cue your body sends you to tell you to stop. It also is useful that we feel that way because we need water, but you definitely shouldn’t drink sea water. You’ll die.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why are you focusing on salt particularly? Eating too much of any one thing tastes gross. If you eat too much sugar, it tastes gross. If you eat too much cake it tastes gross. Same goes with about any food you can think of.

Salt in small amounts is necessary for life so your brain is wired to like salty things. In prehistoric times our ancestors might become salt deficient if they weren’t careful. Nobody in the modern world ever really needs to worry about getting enough salt however. Too much salt becomes toxic very quickly, so when you eat more than is healthy your body fortunately has a safety mechanism that tells you to stop eating so much salt.