Why does changing the concentration of pressure not affect the Kc or Kp value even though the equilibrium shifts?


Why does changing the concentration of pressure not affect the Kc or Kp value even though the equilibrium shifts?

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

May be confused here since I’ve never heard it called concentration of pressure. But when you get the Kp to get the pressure it’s one pressure squared divided by the other. So it probably shifts it since one is squared and the other is constant. When I learned this I don’t think we ever learned about changing the pressure.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Kc and Kp are ratios – even if the equilibrium point shifts, it shifts on both sides of the equation and so Kc and Kp remain constant

Anonymous 0 Comments

Can you ask like we’re 5?, I dont get it. Lol