Why do sleep experts recommend to stop using screens one hour before bed, why just one hour before bed?


Why do sleep experts recommend to stop using screens one hour before bed, why just one hour before bed?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Screens emit blue light (among other light, of course). Blue light has been shown to inhibit melatonine production. Melatonine is the sleep hormone. Low levels make you sleep bad. Therefore it is recommended to Switch off screens one hour prior to sleep, so the Body can start producing and releasing said hormone.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Screens are bright, and especially with blue light. Our bodies evolved to associate blue light with sunlight, and sunlight causes us to stay awake. Thus, screens cause us to stay awake for a while.

Anonymous 0 Comments

At least one hour. Screens give off blue light which fools your system I to thinking it’s still daytime.
By turning off the bluelight from screens, your body takes queues from the environment that’s it’s evening and will start to release melatonin which makes you sleepy.
You can use an app called flux, which reduces the bluelight of your screen, so you still release melatonin and get sleepy.