Why do long-haired people shed so many individual hairs everyday and yet they don’t go bald?


Why do long-haired people shed so many individual hairs everyday and yet they don’t go bald?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They shed the same as people with short hair. But most of the hair lost in long hair daily is not due to falling out but due to breakage (because it’s easier to damage) and there’s simply more of it, so you see it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hairs have a life cycle and fall out and are replaced by new ones. Up to 200 hairs fall out per day, but new ones grow in their place, which is why long hair isn’t all the same length. You have about 100,000 hairs on your head, so there’s no danger of going bald through regular moulting at that rate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You shed just as much as they do. Theirs is just, perhaps, more noticeable given the length.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because each strand of hair goes through a growth cycle which ends with it being shed. If they are shedding some hairs every day, they are also starting to grow some hairs everyday, so they get replaced at about the same rate as they are lost.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My wife has hair almost to her butt and sheds like a wookie. It’s just more noticeable than us short hairs. They don’t actually shed more.