Why aren´t shoesizes measured in a normal life measurement?


Why aren´t shoesizes measured in inches or centimeters, but instead in 10, 37 and so on depended on where you live?

I got two kids and always when we need to buy them new shoes, we take out our measurer and check how long their feet are. And then you have to go to a site or even the manufacturers site to see which size of shoe to get them. Feels very complicated

In: Other

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t Asian sizes correspond to cm?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on where you live and where you’re getting your shoes.

Here is a picture of boots that use millimeter measurements.


Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s because shoes sizes are using old units of normal life measurements:

* In most of Europe the size is simply the length of the foot expressed in point de Paris, which is ca. 2/3 cm, so a size 40 corresponds to a ~~30~~ 26 [*edited: thanks for those who corrected me*] cm long foot.
* In the UK the size is expressed in barleycorn, an old unit which is ca. 1/3 inch, and it represents the difference between the length of the foot and a minimal length (which differs for children, for whom it is 12 barleycorns, and adults, for whom it is 25 barleycorns).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some shoesizes are metric:

In the army, my boot size was 285, meaming 285 mm. Skis boots use that too, and my Adidas shoes show “China” with that size too.

So our hope is on China sizes. Check your Adidas shoes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In Mexico and I think the majority of countries in America the sizes are indeed in centimeters.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think they are in Japan. My shoes appear to be millimetres according to the Japanese size marking

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here’s an interesting thing. Women’s shoe sizes in actuality are larger than what they used to be. For many it’s a psychological thing. They don’t want to be a size 6 or 8 or whatever. So what used to be a 6 Is now a 5 and so on. It’s all about marketing.