Why are so many ancient statues or people naked? (the flair would be art)


Why are so many ancient statues or people naked? (the flair would be art)

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because that’s how the artist could sculpt the human body in all its glory.

In the Olympic Games for example, participants were naked and oiled their skin. A true celebration of the human body.

Btw, the prude ideas of how people should be dressed only spread through the Abrahamic religions, before them there was no shame to the naked body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many people were religious and believed that god created us perfect so the most beautiful art is the naked human body without any modifications or additions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We’re innately keyed to the human form psychologically. Our judgements of others, their body language, and their facial expressions takes up a significant portion of our visual processing overheard. No surprise there. Being able to physically read other humans is central to survival and reproduction.

So when we got good at making things, of course we made copies of our mutual obsession for enjoyment. And meanwhile, because of the same pattern recognition brain-stuff, we see the human face and form even when they aren’t actually there. Like that face on Mars, or on the moon.