what js rust and how is created


what js rust and how is created

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rust is iron oxide that incorporated water into the crystal structure. There is anhydrous iron oxide- think of a black fireplace poker, or a gun barrel. That black iron oxide is magnetite, it is a fairly good protective coating against corrosion. Rust incorporates water into the crystal structure, which makes rust expand like popcorn, and flake away, exposing fresh metal to air and water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rust is iron oxide. Most metals that are exposed to oxygen in the air will react with it and “rust” in some way, though it’s not called rust unless the metal is iron specifically. Some metals, like aluminium and copper, the oxide (rust) covers and insulates the rest of the metal from air, so it forms like a protective layer. But iron rust is porous, and absorbs moisture and oxygen, so more and more of the iron rusts.

Examples of other oxides: carbon dioxide, silicon oxides (rocks, sand), aluminium oxide (sapphire, ruby), nitrous oxide.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rust is a compound of Oxygen and Iron in the presence of water. The reaction between Iron and Oxygen that forms rust is spontaneous, that is it requires no outside energy under standard conditions.

Oxygen tends to react with lots of things very easily. Iron is just one of them.