what is the point of sketching pictures first where they only use short straight lines instead of just drawing the picture?


what is the point of sketching pictures first where they only use short straight lines instead of just drawing the picture?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Multiple reasons, some of them being: it’s quick, irons out some of the form, or structure, position and shape of the art saving the amount of errors shown on your final piece and giving you something you can reference at the same time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Artist here: to make sure my proportions are correct before making it into something more polished.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of short straight lines are not really the best way to lay in a sketch. Loose flowing lines result in more elegant and evocative drawing even at the sketch stage. But those feel more committal that little strokes so artists often resort to them when they are unsure of the direction they should take. There are no rules though. Whatever gets you to the finished work is fine so long as that finished work is accomplishing what you set out to communicate with the drawing.