What is the difference between a 2 in 1 shampoo/shower gel and the separate soaps? Is it just a mix of both? And is there any danger in washing my body with shampoo or the other way around?


What is the difference between a 2 in 1 shampoo/shower gel and the separate soaps? Is it just a mix of both? And is there any danger in washing my body with shampoo or the other way around?

In: Chemistry

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They typically use the same soap bases, but with slightly different ratios of ingredients. It really varies by manufacturer and you’ll find alot of variety in the preparation, ingredients, and concentration. It is definitely not dangerous to use body wash on your hair or vise versa. Back in the day people would just use soap bars to wash their hair until some marketing genius(can’t remember his name, someone please remind me) decided that people enjoyed washing themselves alot more once a foaming agent was added and thus modern shampoo was born.

(Disclaimer: I found this out from casual research a long time ago, their may be discrepancies so if anyone sees any please let me know! Hope this is helpful to someone!)

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve been using shampoo as a daily body wash for about 40 years. No BO, and peeps tell me my skin looks younger than my age.


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

[Dr. Bronner](https://shop.drbronner.com/pure-castile-liquid-soap#scent=Lavender) says “One god, one soap” Dilute, dilute, Ok!!

“Good for just about any cleaning task. Face, body, hair & dishes, laundry, mopping, pets—clean your house and body with no synthetic preservatives, detergents or foaming agents—none! Dilute! Dilute! OK!!”

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is no danger in washing your body with shampoo, nor is there any danger in washing shampoo with your body