what is it that makes it possible for us to swing higher on a swing set when we move our legs? What is happening?


what is it that makes it possible for us to swing higher on a swing set when we move our legs? What is happening?


2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When your legs are in front of you, your center of mass changes to be closer to the front of your body. When you swing them back, it changes to be closer to the back. The changing of your center of mass creates kinetic energy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It isn’t your legs that are making the difference – it is your body. When you stick your legs out, you also lean back – and your body stretched out behind the swing moves your body weight behind the swing. Then, on the way back, you ‘tuck’ your feet in, but also lean your body forward, moving your weight in front of the swing.

If you could lean back and tuck your feet in, and lean forward and stick your feet out, you’d move more of your body weight and swing higher – but you would also probably slide off the swing, or be unable to keep your feet high enough to not strike the ground.