what is imperialism


what is imperialism?

(Idk if i flaired it right)

In: Economics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imperialism is the cultural/political/economic approach of attempting to create an empire through conquering land. If done properly, it makes for a very prosperous home but tends to involve the exploitation and suppression of everyone who has been conquered. The most famous example was the British empire before the flaws of imperialism as well as several exacerbating factors caused it to fall apart.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A policy of extending a country’s power through diplomacy or military force.

Often used to describe how one nation tries to make other nations conform to the lifestyle/ beliefs of more powerful nation.

Similar to expansionism.

Anonymous 0 Comments

[Imperialism](https://www.gog.com/game/imperialism) and its [sequel](https://www.gog.com/game/imperialism_2_the_age_of_exploration) are strategy games from the late 1990’s, where you’re a European country trying to colonize the New World to get money / resources to industrialize and fight other European countries. They’re on sale digitally for $3 each right now.