The difference between Formula and Equation


The difference between Formula and Equation

In: Mathematics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A formula is an equation that serves a specific purpose and shows you how to compute a single unknown value from one or more known values.

12^(3) + 1^(3) = 10^(3) + 9^(3)

Yeah, that’s neat and all, but it doesn’t help you do anything. It is just an equation.

F = C x 9/5 + 32

Now that’s an equation that lets you do something useful, converting temperature from Celcius to Fahrenheit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A formula is an exact recipe. An equation is more vague in that you have the overall idea of what you need, but you don’t know all of the ingredients up front

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not every equation is a formula, but every formula is an equation. They both can be used to find an unknown value, but the formula is used more like if you follow this road(the road being the formula) and all its conditions (those being the different parts of the formula) you will certainly reach the value you seek. While an equation is more like well a+b is c so if i know a and b i have the value of c. With the equations also you have as many equations as unknown values you have, giving you an equal chance to find them one by one.