The difference between absurdism and surrealism


Can someone the difference between these two concepts and if possible, how they pertain to humour?


In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not sure what you’re asking, because absurdism is a philosophical standpoint and surrealism is a fine art genre.

Absurdism would basically be believing that everything is ridiculous, including the desire to find meaning in anything. It is close to existentialism in attitude, but existentialism is a belief that we as humans have the right to decide meaning despite there being none.

An absurdist is an existentialist with a sense of humor, I suppose. Where an existentialist attributes meaning, the absurdist laughs at them for it.

Surrealism, to my knowledge, may have philosophical attributes but isn’t a philosophy in and of itself.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Surrealism involves presenting images that come from the unconscious mind, and that are in a sense our inner reality.

Abusurdism involves presenting images that are intentionally ridiculous, sometimes for their surprise value, sometimes as a way of mocking society.