Super buff people with no definition VS people with definition


So, I’ve noticed some body builders/fitness junkies have some crazy definition… then I see some other people with no definition, yet they’re stronger or as strong. Why is this? Like me…. I work out a lot and am on a diet yet I don’t have that much definition. Someone I know who’s very similar to me is about the same in strength, but they have a lot of definition, like veins popping out and all that.

Sounds weird, but I’d really like to know!

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re seeing more of the muscle in a person with “definition” because they have a combination of muscles and low body fat. Body fat serves to “cover up” definition in people. An extreme example would be a 400 pound person who walks all the time probably has very, very strong legs, but their body fat is hiding all that muscle and you see “no muscle”. Similarly, without body fat, veins/arteries are just below the skin and against the muscle, rather than snuggled up in a nice juicy layer of fat (thats where I keep my veins these days, which would suggest that having a kid is also a factor in muscle definition. And beer).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Genetics, body fat percentage, water consumption/ retention, and a slew of other factors each contribute in their own way.