Is using honey to sweeten better/worse for you than sugar?


Is using honey to sweeten better/worse for you than sugar?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most people agree that using honey is healthier for you and your body, but it also adds a certain flavor to some things. I almost always would prefer honey over sugar.

A quick source just in case: Because honey is lower in fructose and contains other trace minerals, it’s processed and absorbed more slowly by the body than refined sugar. This means longer-lasting energy and a slightly less of a spike in blood sugar, which is easier on your body and digestive system.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes and no, honey doesn’t raise blood sugar level as fast, AND its much sweeter than sugar, so you need less. But it has more calories.

Here’s the problem, just like diet pop drinks. Just because it’s less DOESN’T MEAN YOU CAN GO NUTS ON IT.

Oh, and don’t feed it to infants, because it risks infant botulism.

At the end of the day, if you really want to be healthy, just add neither.

Choosing honey is just choosing the lesser of the evils.