How is the aquarium detrimental for dolphins and killer whales?


How is the aquarium detrimental for dolphins and killer whales?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dolphins and whales are some of the most intelligent creatures on the planet, and in the case of dolphins, have brains that are more developed than ours.

Your question can be answered with a analogy:

>How is a jail cell detrimental for humans?

Even horses go nuts if they are left in a barn for too long.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How would living in a bathtub be detrimental to a human? Because that’s the equivalency. Dolphins swim over 80 miles a day. Limiting them to a pool is cruel. They are fed a concoction of medications ranging from antidepressants to anti-psychotics just to keep them sane.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The animals are intelligent social animals used to living in wide open spaces with other animals with plenty of mental stimulation in the way they hunt for food and interact with each other. Human equivalence would be solitary confinement.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Large animals should be free with plenty of room. I refuse to visit aquariums and zoos because I hate them.