How does stomach grumbling work, and why is it so noisy?


I woke up a couple of hours ago and haven’t eaten yet. My stomach is grumbling so loudly and I’m curious to know why it makes noise. Thanks!

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The fancy medical term for it is [Borborygmi/borborygmus]( ,and it’s simply the movement of gases and fluids as your empty stomach and intestine muscles contract and move.

Your body is pretty good at amplifying noises since we are mostly water and sound travels very well through water.

It’s not incredibly interesting in and of itself, but hey there’s a random word you now know to impress people at parties I guess.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s what it sounds like. When you eat and drink you swallow air. That air has to move between the future poop and poop. About 4 times a day you have a big movement of your large bowl. And your small bowl is moving constantly clearing out and grinding food. Air moves around and between narrow spaces = noise