How does QLED employs Quantum mechanic to do what it does?


How does QLED employs Quantum mechanic to do what it does?

In: Technology

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Almost screens work by having a white backlight with coloured filters in front which work as pixels, applying a voltage to these filters makes them filter more or less light so you can control the brightness and colour of each pixel.

The way current QLED screens work is with particles called quantum dots. These are very small (a few nanometers) particles of semiconducting material which effectively act like very large atoms. This is where quantum mechanics comes into play, the electrons behave similarly to electrons in atoms with the size of the particles acting like the size of the atom. By making the particles bigger or smaller you change how the electrons behave. Importantly you can change which wavelengths of light they absorb and emit.

Currently the way these are used in screens is to replace the coloured filters, they allow for better contrast and less crosstalk between the colours. Theoretically we could use them instead to replace the backlight as well and have something similar to an OLED screen where each pixel is it’s own light emitting diode. But this hasn’t been done in a consumer product.