How do people (not in cars) get stuck on train tracks?


I’ve seen stories about people who get their body stuck in train tracks and can’t get free and end up losing limbs or dying. How does this manage to happen?

In: Other

Anonymous 0 Comments

I suspect you’re misinterpreting the stories.

It feasibly could be possible that someone could get their foot jammed between a rail and a tie and not be able to extricate themselves, but I imagine that is extremely rare.

When people not in vehicles are killed by trains it’s almost always because either

1. they were trying to cross the tracks in front of a train and misjudged the trains speed
1. they were trying to stand too close to the train as it passed
1. they were between two trains going in opposite directions on parallel tracks (that one’s a particularly brutal variation on #2)
1. they were incapacitated on or too near the tracks for some reason, e.g intoxication
1. some combination of the above, e.g. intoxication can certainly help lead to 1-3