: How and why does the time of the day affect our emotions?


Like we tend to feel negative emotions strongly at night while during the day we tend to have a more optimistic outlook.


4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because your your circadian clock effects hormones and other chemicals in your body. get these chemicals out of wack, and it can effect anything from mood to health.

Anonymous 0 Comments

At night, you’re tired and ready to call it a day. You let your guard down which opens you up to those kinds of thoughts and feelings. You aren’t required to be alert in bed like you are during the day at work or school.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a hormone your body produces called cortisol. This does a LOT of things, but importantly, when there’s plenty of it, it makes you feel like you’re more energetic, which often corresponds with mood. Your cortisol levels change throughout the day, with their highest levels in the late morning & their lowest levels at midnight/in the early hours of the morning. This is also very noticeable in people with depression: they often feel significantly worse in the mornings. This won’t be the only reason that the time of day affects one’s emotions, but it probably is one.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of it revolves around the sun. The sun releases hormones in your brain including serotonin, a hormone that regulates mood. It’s why you feel crappy on overcast/winter days.