ELI5- WiFi bridging?



I am looking for a gaming router to use with my Fios Gigabit bundle and I keep seeing the option to do WiFi bridging in lieu of replacing the Fios supplied router with my own. I was wondering if anyone could explain to me the pros and cons or bridging vs replacing?

Thank you so much!

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you put these newfangled (and usually pretty underwhelming) modem-router combo devices into “bridge” mode, their router part gets shut down and they work like a traditional modem would – that is, they basically “go invisible” and your new router will connect directly to the ISP’s router.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pro of replacing – You get a better device with better speeds and options to filter and block traffic etc. You also save probably about $12 a month in “device rental fees” since you aren’t borrowing their stuff. You aren’t cascading your device behind another (doesn’t matter how visible or invisible a device is, every physical connection is another point of delay in the network).

Con – Usually can’t get as much help from tech support (thats not a major loss, often not a loss at all lol) and it requires a slight bit of technical know how to install but also not a major con since this work isn’t very complex for a simple connection like this.