eli5: Why are ramen noodles yummy to eat raw but spaghetti noodles are not?


eli5: Why are ramen noodles yummy to eat raw but spaghetti noodles are not?

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ramen noodles are precooked, they’re not raw any more. Spaghetti noodles weren’t cooked before yet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s because ramen noodles aren’t raw. They’re pre-cooked and then dehydrated, which is what allows you to prepare instant ramen in just a couple of minutes by rehydrating them, instead of having to boil the noodles for 15+ minutes like you’d have to do if they were uncooked.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just to add on, IMO raw spaghetti noodles taste good to me, I’ll often grab a couple when making a pot to munch on while the rest cooks. But dry ramen noodle noodles taste absolutely terrible to me, so it is probably up to individual taste.